Breaking Negative Patterns

One of the best parts of being a conscious adult is getting the chance to figure a number of things out and make positive changes. Sound boring? Actually, taking control of personal growth is one of the finest parts of life. In finding out how to control what one can—and roll with the rest—people are afforded a great sense of personal power. True, the first step requires taking a good look at things, which can sometimes be painful, but once the need for change is identified it gets much easier from there. When a genuine desire for positive change is combined with diligence, negative patterns can actually be broken quite easily. But first, it’s crucial to identify what needs changing.

Tech Addiction

Smartphone technology is awesome, there is no doubt about it, but if the online world requires an ever-increasing demand for attention it may be time to step back and take a look. From incessant social media usage to constant mobile checking, take a break every now and then to enjoy the here and now with loved ones. Habitually offering full attention shows respect. It also enables one’s self to achieve the full range of emotions found in truly experiencing each situation. If video games are the time consumer, try installing an app that tracks how many hours per week gets spent in cyber space. Sometimes it’s just a matter of seeing the stats in print to help a person realise where all the time is going. Such an eye-opening experience can be particularly beneficial to people looking to improve work patterns and eliminate financial struggles.

Toxic Relationships

Constant fighting, controlling behaviour, unhealthy emotional games…who hasn’t been there at one time or another in their life? Living and learning means occasionally getting into a less-than-satisfactory relationship, but when poor choices in partners becomes a habit it’s time to make a change. First look at the factors that feel unhealthy and try to find the similarities between past partners. Also look at your own role in each relationship to see what you’re truly doing and why. Though the pattern of engaging in unhealthy relationships can be very challenging to both recognise and break free of, it can be done. If professional help is needed don’t be ashamed to pursue getting assistance.

Commitment Phobia

Past hurts can make it very difficult to stay put and work on issues. If a pattern of leaving positive relationships emerges then commitment may be a very daunting prospect. By “relationships” that can mean romantic, platonic and even jobs. When a fight-or-flight feeling becomes the norm or drama comes around right when things are at there best those could be related to commitment issues. Be careful though because commitment phobes who have broken the cycle sometimes go full swing in the other direction and find themselves staying the course no matter how bad the situation is. It’s a delicate balance between caring for yourself and opening yourself up to care for others, but once that healthy level is achieved true happiness comes into play.


Though substance abuse may be the first thing to come to mind there are plenty of other ways to harm one’s self. First of it’s important to think of food and drink as petrol for the human engine. What makes your body run optimally isn’t necessarily what others need. Find what works and then stick to it. Also be sure to get adequate amounts of quality sleep, to take in exercise when possible, and to reduce stress. If you work indoors make it a point to get outside for fresh air and also be aware of maintaining a healthy balance between work and play. Self-nurturing is a key component to a happy and healthy life. It is also vital to look after the self first in order to be any help to others. Learning to say no and set boundaries may seem counter-intuitive at first, but doing so will make a huge positive impact with all other negative life patterns.

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