Braces Then, Invisalign Now

This is a sponsored post for Invisalign. All opinions are strictly mine.

When I was 14, I got braces. Looking back, I was probably too young, as some of the changes shifted back. I would need braces again as an adult to fix it and my overbite (which resulted in TMJ as well). My memories of braces were awful–but this was in the late 90’s. I had metal braces with rubber bands. I did get to pick the colors each month when they were changed and tightened. Food often got stuck, so I had one of those special water cleaners for my braces. Afterwards, I spent a year in a retainer which accidentally got thrown away at lunch one day. That was fun getting back! I would show you a picture, but I always smiled with my mouth closed. This is not just because of my braces, I also have a small jaw and adult teeth, so I look goofy when I smile with my teeth!

Invisalign compare to braces

Braces today are much more flexible, luckily. Now Invisalign offers a clear (literally) alternative that gradually aligns your teeth over time. There are no food limitations, you don’t have to change your brushing habits (because they are removable), and most people have no idea you are even wearing anything. The cost is roughly the same as if you were to get metal braces. You would have fewer office visits, faster appointments and no fear of needing emergency visits for broken wires or brackets. Bracket injuries are an even higher risk for teens who play sports. Invisalign is a removable aligner that is clear braces that are lightweight and made of a plastic that will sit smoothly and comfortably against your teeth. You can brush and floss like normal since they can be removed. You can see your smile evolve over time rather than waiting to see the results when the metal comes off. You can often see improvement in your teeth in as little as 3 months.

Invisalign braces

You can find an Ivisalign doctor with the Invisalign Doctor Locator. Has your dentist or orthodontist told you that you or your child is not a candidate for Invisalign? You may want to get a second opinion, as not all dentists and orthodontists are certified Invisilign providers. Use the locator to find one who is.

Are you worried that it may not work, like any newer treatments? Invisalign has over 2 million cases that are in treatment or completed. That is definitely enough to prove their efficacy. You can take the Invisalign Smile Assessment to see if Invisalign is a good fit for you or your child.

Don’t forget to check out Invisalign’s pages:

This is a sponsored post for Invisalign. All opinions are strictly mine.


  1. I am a dentist in Raleigh, and we get a lot of young adults who show interest in Invisalign. It works out as a great solution for them because they don’t have to be as self conscious about their smile!

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