AC Broken? 6 Smart Ways to Keep Your Home Cool

AC Broken? 6 Smart Ways to Keep Your Home Cool


If your air conditioning isn’t working well, or it completely went out, you might be waiting days or even weeks to get it repaired, especially if it’s during peak summer months. Waiting for a repair is extremely uncomfortable when your home feels like an oven. Here are some smart tips for keeping your home cool while your air conditioner is out of service.


Use Ice With a Fan


Setting up ice in front of your fan will help blow colder air into your home. The easiest way to do this is by freezing gallons of water. Get a few from the store and dump out about 1/3 of the water to keep the ice from expanding so much it breaks the container. Put the gallon of water in the freezer until it is completely frozen. Once it’s frozen, set it on a stand with a towel under it. Place a standup fan behind it so it’s blowing behind it. It will blow the cold air from the frozen water all over the room.


Turn on Bathroom Fans


You don’t need to keep your bathroom fans on all day, but you should turn them on while you are trying to cool off your home, and while you are cooking. As you probably know, warm air rises. The bathroom fans will pull that warm air out of your home and allow your house to cool off much more quickly.


Switch to LED Lighting

If you still have incandescent lights in your house, remove them and go buy LED lights or CFL lights if you can’t find them. Incandescent lights get extremely hot while they’re on, and the hot bulbs are going to warm up your house. In fact, the temperature of the bulb can get as hot as 500 degrees, which is much hotter than people set their oven to cook. With several lights on, your could raise the temperature of your home significantly.


Buy Window Air Conditioners


Window air conditioners can be expensive, especially during the summer months. However, if you can get just one for your living room, it will dramatically decrease the temperature during the day. You can check different yard sale websites and ads to see if anyone is selling a used one. You can always resell yours after you have a professional service your AC unit.


Use Cotton Linens


Many people throw satin sheets on their bed thinking it’s going to cool them down, but satin isn’t breathable and will actually warm you up if your house is hot. Save those for the cooler nights after you have your central air fixed, and opt for the cotton for now. Cotton is breathable and will help keep you cool while you sleep. Opt for light colored sheets and a lower thread count to help the air pass through them better.


Cover Your Windows


It’s not much fun having your windows covered up so you can’t see the beautiful day outside; however, keeping your windows covered will dramatically lower the temperature in your home. The sun beating down on your windows will warm them up, which in turn, will warm up your house. Keep your blinds and your curtains over the windows so the heat goes back outside instead of inside your home.


Not having an air conditioner can feel like torture, especially when you’re used to having one. Make an appointment right away to get yours serviced and follow these tips to keep your home cool in the meantime.

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