A Simple Guide To Fixing A Running Toilet!

We all know that a house takes lots of time and effort to keep neat and tidy. You have to always be alert to problems and fix them when they arise.


One of the most common forms of household problems are issues with the plumbing. Ah yes, plumbing problems occur in every home around the world all year long! They can be extremely annoying and wreak havoc to your home. A simple plumbing issue can easily disrupt daily life, so you have to know how to deal with it. One of these issues is a running toilet. They affect many homes, so if you want to know how to fix this problem, carry on reading!

How Do You Fix A Running Toilet?

Is your toilet running? Then you better go and catch it! I joke, of course, a running toilet can be very annoying to everyone living in the house. For starters, they’re a colossal waste of water, which means your bill for the month will be high. Also, they’re loud and can make it harder for you to sleep.


The longer you leave a running toilet, the worse it will be for you. So, you should look to fix it as soon as possible. The first thing you should do is lift the lid off the cistern and look for the water pipe. You should see a screw on the pipe, if you unscrew it, then the water flow will stop. This will at least save you water, and stop the annoying running noise!


Then, you get into the meat of it. There is a quick fix for some running toilets – if you don’t mind getting your hands wet. Sometimes toilets run because the water in the cistern has risen too high and is falling into the overflow pipe. This means a constant stream of water running down the pipe and into the toilet bowl. If you look inside the cistern, you should see a float of some sorts. This float controls the water level. All it takes is a quick adjustment of the float, and the water level will decrease.


If this works, then it’s problem solved. If it doesn’t, then you should probably think about calling a plumber in. The issue could be something a lot deeper than just the water level. There could be something broken in the cistern that is making the water continuously run. Sometimes it can be an issue with the water pipe, and it needs replacing or fixing. Or, it could be any number of issues that could result in you needing a completely new cistern fitted. This can be a fairly big job, which is why it’s best to leave it to the professionals in this situation.

A Simple Guide To Fixing A Running Toilet!

(Image: https://goo.gl/JXiWKA)


Running toilets are a pesky plumbing problem that nearly every household will face at least once. But, they can be easy for you to fix yourself if you know how! Don’t be afraid to have a look in the tank and try adjust the float like I said. You aren’t touching toilet water; it’s just water from a pipe! If the quick fix doesn’t work, then call in some help instead.

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