9 Free Must-Have Apps for Parents

Parenting is hard, and time-consuming, and oftentimes confusing. In this digital age, we need to utilize every resource available to make life easier and to answer parenting questions, distract angry toddlers, or even lock screens because babies constantly click out of YouTube before screaming in frustration. As tech, Blake Rubin, points out, artificial intelligence will be here in the not-too-distant future, so why not take advantage of technology and utilize free help? Here are our top apps that make life easier for moms and dads.

Kids Eat Free

Money is tight. Make the most of your budget with the Kids Eat Free app to find restaurants that will give free meals for kids. It’s a big draw for parents–saving money. The restaurant benefits as well as they are bringing in more customers. Win-win, right?

What to Expect

This app was a godsend for me with my daughter. If you’re expecting or have a baby under the age of one, these are must-haves. What to Expect tracks your pregnancy with daily facts, articles, and most importantly–forums for you to connect with other moms.


BabyCenter became my go-to once my daughter was born. You make a profile for your child and it gives you week-by-week and month-by-month updates on your baby. It suggests play and activities to enhance learning based on where your baby is developmentally. There are articles covering a wide range of topics that you are likely to face during that time period.


YouTube app works much better than going to YouTube from the browser, in my opinion. It saves your history, expands nicely to fit your screen (whereas the website tends to cut off on my iPhone), and it’s easier to manage your subscriptons and playlists. Play sleep lists for your struggling sleeper (such as white noise or mimicking womb sounds). Add nursery rhymes and educational videos as your little one grows.


ChoreMonster is a great app for managing chores for your children based on their age. You can utilize it daily or weekly.


Keepy is awesome for parents who want to save every. single. piece. of. art. their child makes. You can take pictures of the art and have them all in one place to show off or to order prints and custom items.


This one is debatable for some parents. It has a symptom checker which can be great for parents who don’t tend to panic. If you struggle with “Dr. Google” then you may want to stick with calling into your doctor. However, this can be great for odd symptoms and late-night fevers.


The name says it all! This app helps you find restrooms based on your current location.

Allrecipes Dinner Spinner

Struggling to come up with dinner, again? Set it by “dish type” or ingredients and spin it to come up with some ideas. Allrecipes Dinner Spinner is a great tool for meal planning and keeping dinner interesting.

Do you use these apps? Are there any you recommend that aren’t on this list? We would love to hear your thoughts!





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