7 Interior Design Tips for a Calmer Kid’s Bedroom

Kids’ rooms are often full of chaos, and it can make it more difficult for them to get to sleep at night. Planning a kids room to help calm them down and get them ready for bed is something that can be done with a little bit of work. Use these 7 tips to create a calmer bedroom for your child today.

Choose Calming Canvas Paintings or Photos

Wall decorations and artwork put in a kid’s room should have a calming effect. Choose prints that have less going on in them and that are done in calming colors. Take time to browse for more suggestions on the right prints or choose photos to have printed on canvas for the kid’s room.

Choose the Right Colors for the Room

Bright, bold colors can be a lot of fun, but they’re not usually very calming. Instead, choose softer neutrals and more natural colors to create an overall calmer feeling in the room. Use these colors throughout the room, including the bed sheets and comforter.

Limit Tech and Toys

Technology can be educational and fun, but it’s stimulating. Keep tech and most toys out of the bedroom so there’s not much to do other than calm down and get to sleep at night. Distractions removed from the room can help create a place that’s far more calming and comforting for kids.

Select Soft, Adjustable Lighting

The right lighting might be available just by switching out the bulbs in the room now or adding a small lamp. Soft lighting is better for a bedroom, and adjustable lighting means it’s possible to have a little bit of light when needed and more light for activities like reading.  

Add Stuffed Animals and Blankets

Soft stuffed animals, blankets, and similar items are cuddly and cozy. Use these throughout the room to help them relax when they’re ready for bed. Choose a variety of sizes so the kid can pick out exactly what they want to use to cuddle with each time they’re in the room.

Keep the Room Free of Clutter

Clutter is very stimulating and can make kids more anxious when they’re in the room. Once most tech and toys have been removed from the room, there’s a lot less in it. Keep the room clear of clutter by making sure stuffed animals or blankets have a home and keeping all clothes put away each night.

Create a Reading Space

For kids who love reading, nothing creates a calm room compared to a reading space. This doesn’t need to be large. A beanbag chair in the room or just a few pillows in a corner by a small bookshelf can create a space they can go to when they want to read and relax. Make this space cozy by using stuffed animals or blankets like the rest of the room.

If your child is having trouble sleeping at night or just needs a calm place they can retreat to when needed, make sure their bedroom is designed to fit their needs. Use the tips here to start creating a calmer room your kid will love. Most of these tips are easy to implement, so you can get started today and quickly see how a calmer room can have an impact on kids.

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