7 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About Gardening


7 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About GardeningImage Source


Gardening is a passion that many people share, as having a beautiful outdoor space can be therapeutic and relaxing. The most important thing is to get outside and enjoy yourself, but here are a few simple tips to follow to keep your garden looking it’s best all year long.


Examine Plants Thoroughly Before Purchasing

The best way to keep your garden healthy is to prevent diseases coming in. When purchasing a new plant or shrub, check it thoroughly before bringing it home. Only choose plants with green and healthy leaves, with plenty of buds and evidence of new growth. Gently remove the plant from its pot and look at its roots as well. Roots should be well established and healthy looking, anything with rotting roots should be left behind.

7 Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About Gardening2

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Dead-head And Prune

Keeping up with deadheading throughout the blooming period will increase the plant’s flowering life. With dead flowers picked off, the energy will go into new flowers and buds. It also keeps the plant looking tidier and mare attractive.


Feed The Soil

Before planting anything, you need to ensure the soil is healthy and of good quality. The plants get their nutrients and energy by their roots, so they need to be fed properly. Soil that is rich in organic matter is generally full of nutrients and much better for the plants than drier, old soil.


Keep On Top Of Weeds

Weeds can easily get out of control if left, so don’t let them get too established. Try to do a little bit of weeding at a time, 5 minutes a day can have a significant impact in the long run. Be careful if using weed killers and chemicals, as these can damage your surrounding plants and flowers.


Keep Trees Under Control

Be aware of any trees and large shrubs in your garden, as they will need lots of care. Trees too close to the house can become dangerous if left to grow too big. Large trees can be difficult to trim or remove, so for tree loppers speak to tree surgeons to get the job done safely. Shrubs and hedging should be kept neat and tidy, but make sure you are pruning and trimming at the right time.

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Water Correctly

Some plants will need watering more than others, so do your research. If a plant is wilting with light green leaves, you could be over-watering, so check how it should be cared for and let it dry out a bit. Equally, under watering plants in hot weather can also damage them. Get into the habit of watering these regularly during dry periods.


Use Compost

Compost can be made at home or bought in a store, but either is very beneficial to your garden and plants. Spread it around borders to fight disease, and mix into vegetable plots to improve the nutrients in the soil. It can also be used to replenish any over-used soil, so add to old beds before potting on or planting new seeds.

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