6 Tips to Make the Most of Your Garage

Your garage can be anything you want it to be. It could be a children’s play room, a workshop for yourself, or just a place to store your car. So many people have a garage that they’re simply not making the most of. How can you make the most of yours? Use the following 6 tips…


Think of Your Goals


Think of your goals when it comes to your garage. Think of how you’d ideally like it to look, what you’d like to store in there and what it could be used for. Make a note of these if you like and use it as a sort of plan. You can add things to the plan and look back at it when you need guidance. You might want a nice place to play for your kids, or even a man cave for yourself! Your goals might not be the same as somebody elses, so there isn’t really a one size fits all solution.

6 Tips to Make the Most of Your Garage



Be Ruthless With Clutter


You probably have all kinds of clutter in your garage. Many people use it to dump things that they’re not sure what to do with, and you’re probably no different. Get rid of as much clutter as you can. Be ruthless and get rid of things that you just don’t use too. You might be able to sell some stuff and make a little extra cash if there’s nothing wrong with it. Your aim here is to stop hoarding things that you won’t use!


Organize Your Things


Now it’s time to organize the things that you’re definitely keeping. The best way to go about it is to put them in categories, or just put similar items together. This will help you to locate things much easier when you enter the garage. You don’t want to rummage around for too long looking for what you need, so work out some kind of system that you can understand. If other people can understand it too, that’s even better!


Add More Storage


A garage can never have too much storage. Add more storage so you can keep your things safely. Shelving is always best for the garage, as it clears the floor for anything else you might need in there. You should always think in terms of vertical space rather than floor space when considering storage.


Leave Enough Space to Move


Of course, you must leave enough space to move in your garage too. You want everything to flow, and you shouldn’t run the risk of hurting yourself as you move from room to room. Your garage door should open with no problems.


Keep Things Safe


Make sure the garage is a safe place to be. If the entry to your garage is broken, all you need is a quick garage door fix to stop intruders from getting in. If you keep hazardous materials in your garage, then ensure they are locked away and can’t be accessed by pets or children. You should also make sure ventilation systems are clear and that you haven’t overloaded any shelves!


You’ll feel so much better once you’ve utilized your garage space!

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