6 Magic Ways To Speed Up Your Morning Routine

6 Magic Ways To Speed Up Your Morning Routine 

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Let’s face it, we all spend far too long in the bathroom in the morning! It takes time to get our look just right even though we practice it every day. Not only that, but we leave ourselves less and less time to get ready in the morning. We’re all guilty of hitting the snooze button one too many times. Suddenly, you’ve got to be in the office in 45 minutes, and you’re still face down in your own drool! Not a pretty sight. Sound familiar? Well, we’ve got some sneaky secrets to share with you today. They’ll cut down your morning beauty routine, and you’ll be out the door in no time.


  1. Style in your sleep


Don’t waste those precious hours of beauty sleep. Not only will a good eight hours replenish your skin and slow the aging process, it will also curl your hair. Try falling asleep with your hair wrapped in two buns, one either side at the nape of your neck. Or, why not use the old trick of braiding your hair before you fall asleep. You’ll wake up with salon quality curls. You might just need to tame them a little!


  1. Cleanse before bed


If you want to wake up feeling fresh as a daisy and instantly ready for your makeup, put in the work beforehand. Before you go to sleep, wash your face with an exfoliating face-wash. Apply your moisturiser and whichever serums you swear by! Never go to sleep with a full face of making, you’re just asking for trouble.


  1. Super fast shower times


It’s the pesky shower routine that always knocks you off schedule! If you’re anything like me, you drift away in your own thoughts during the warm shower. Oh wait, you’ve still got to wash your hair! Get your hands on a cleansing conditioner and you’ll cut the time in half.


  1. All-in-one facial treatments


The morning routine hinges on the slow application of treatments. Moisturise, wait for it to dry. Protector, wait for it to dry. Concealer, then makeup. Instead, try a three-in-one moisturiser, protector and concealer. You’ll be ready in no time.


  1. Quick makeup wins


Who’s got time for contouring, shaping and whatever the newest makeup craze is? It’s all about the quick wins, and you know your face better than anyone else. If you’re in a rush, a quick dose of red lipstick can draw attention. You can even take a smidge and use it as blusher. No-one will ever know!


  1. Cut down shaving time


The dreaded shaving routine eats up precious morning time. Just think, you could spend an extra five minutes enjoying your coffee if your legs were always smooth. There are alternatives such as hair removal and laser treatment. But, is DIY hair removal worth the time and investment? Well, it’s certainly cheaper than professional treatment, and the effects last longer than shaving. Try it for yourself and find out.


Finally, remember to eat well and get plenty of sleep. You’ll naturally wake up feeling fresh, and you’ll bound out of bed! This natural energy is better than any skin care product, trust me. Have you got any morning routine secrets? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.


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