5 Ways to Reduce Computer Screen Glare

Over time, studies have shown that computer and electronic screens are very harsh on human eyes. Computer screens themselves do not damage the eyes. However, they do cause significant straining and tiredness. Many individuals find themselves experiencing discomfort from a multitude of symptoms. This occurs whether they work in an office, at home, or simply use computers for personal use.

Since it is the age of technology, and so many people do their work on computers both at home and in offices, it is important to keep the eyes healthy and protected from too much screen exposure. Many people also use electronic devices for their own pleasure and hobbies, and this plays a role, too. This will have you staring at screens just as often as an office worker. Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken to reduce computer screen glare and protect the eyes from harsh blue light.

Is My Computer Ruining My Eyes?

No, your computer screen is not ruining your eyes. However, it is likely causing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. It is important to note that regularly using a computer will not do any permanent damage to the eyes.

It is a common assumption that using computers and looking at screens too often will damage the eyes. Medical experts have found through numerous studies that this is false. There is, in fact, no evidence proving that computer screens damage your eyesight. It has been proven that many irritating or unpleasant symptoms may arise from frequent use.

It is a myth that computer screens damage the eyes. However, using a computer and looking at screens often can cause the eyes to feel very tired or strained. While this “damage” is not at all permanent, it can be uncomfortable.

The eye discomfort associated with computer screens has been given a few different names over the last decades. Two of the most common names include digital eye strain and computer vision syndrome. There are considered to be widespread problems in our society, but there are ways around them. Solutions such as adjusting your posture, re-angling your computer screen, and changing your environment can help. Try adding some blinds san diego to cut the harsh light.

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Computer vision syndrome is a term used to group the eye- and vision-related issues that come with prolonged computer use. Some of the symptoms of these conditions are eye fatigue, eye strain, and dryness of the eyes. Other symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, redness of the eyes, eye twitching, and neck or shoulder pain. It is crazy to think that these symptoms revolve around the use of a computer. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid them.

While computers do not cause vision problems, they can increase the risk of developing them. If one is already experiencing vision issues that have yet to be corrected, they are at risk of having a more severe case of computer vision syndrome.

Reading and viewing using screens is very different from reading printed pages. While reading from a screen, the eyes are constantly trying to refocus. They jump all around the screen and try to readjust to the harsh lighting, too. There are many differences to take into consideration.

The blue light coming from the screen is much harsher than reading from paper. The brightness of the screen and the size of the lettering might not be correct for your eyesight. The viewing distance between you and the computer monitor could be incorrect, too.

Lastly, the glare or reflections coming from the screen could be causing discomfort. All of these factors can put a damper on your eyesight and the comfort of your eyes.

There are plenty of methods to prevent computer vision syndrome. These methods tend to require changes in daily habits or work environment. It might also be necessary to change habits in the home environment. This is especially important for those that play video games, shop online, and use social media often. Computer vision syndrome is not considered an actual medical disease or condition. However, it is still a collection of serious symptoms that should not be taken lightly.

Ways to Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

While all of these vision-related problems are reversible and not permanent, they are also preventable. There is always the most obvious solution: eyeglasses, contacts, or a medical eye exam. These treatments can correct and solve a variety of vision-related problems. They will offer more comfort while using computer screens, but there are simpler and more affordable methods.

Taking into consideration the location of the computer monitor is a great first step. Computer monitors should be positioned where the eyes can comfortably focus. You should be able to clearly see the text and look downwards for the best results. Medical professionals recommend keeping the computer screen roughly four or five inches from eye level.

Another way to prevent uncomfortable eye-related symptoms is by adjusting the settings on the computer. If available, apply a night mode setting. This will cut down on some of the harsh light from the screen. Also, consider lowering the screen’s brightness while you work or use your personal device.

Placing reference materials on a stand in between the keyboard and the monitor will also help with eye-related problems. This is because the head will not have to constantly shift back and forth between the documents and the screen.

Taking a rest or break can prevent eye strain, too. If you are using a computer for a long period of time, you should consider the “20-20-20” rule. This is a method, nicknamed by eye doctors. It states that you should focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds at a time every 20 minutes.

Blinking is another simple method that will prevent some uncomfortable symptoms. By blinking, your eyes naturally become moist again. This prevents or helps dryness of the eyes. Many regular computer users actually struggle to blink enough while working and using their devices. Some even swear by using artificial tears or eye drops to help with their dryness.

There are also certain types of screens or glasses that can be used. Anti-glare screens can help to filter the light from the screen as well as any harsh reflections. Blue-light repelling glasses do the exact same thing. Unfortunately, these options can be more pricey and less accessible if you are seeking a quality product.

A more affordable and easily accessible way to prevent computer vision syndrome is by adjusting the lighting in your office space or home. You can do so by adding window blinds or drapes. Swapping the light bulbs in lamps and overhead lights can help, too. Adjusting the computer screen’s position to cut down on glare and using blinds to cover windows can help tremendously.

By using blinds in your office or home, the sunlight reflecting off of your computer screen is much less likely to harm your eyes. In fact, the reflection and glare will be reduced significantly. While natural lighting is usually a good thing, you should carefully limit your sun exposure when working at a computer. The sunlight reflecting off of the computer’s screen causes blue light and UV rays to bounce around freely. This is a recipe for disaster when it comes to the comfort of your eyes.

Using black-out window blinds can reduce glare, too. Blinds will provide you with maximum privacy and darkness that will help you feel comfortable looking at your computer screen. Some blinds even include dust- and moisture-resistant options and anti-fungal features. These will help you to filter and purify the air in your office space or home, resulting in less dryness of the eyes.

There are plenty of options to choose from to prevent computer vision syndrome. However, you should go for the most accessible and affordable options. Adjust the settings on your computer, and remember to take breaks and blink. Next, focus on your actual work environment and invest in some blinds for your computer-related work, computer-related hobbies, and frequent computer use.

If all else fails, medical professionals recommend using a warm compress on your eyes. Make sure that the cloth is warm and not too hot. You can also take headache medication and rest your eyes from screens for an extended period of time. Use black-out window blinds to help cut some of the harsh light, lie down, and take a nap.

If you are one that works with computers on a daily basis, remember to take breaks and rest your eyes from the harsh screen lighting frequently. This is important for those that use computers at home for a variety of personal reasons just as much as those that work with computers.

Ready to Soften Your Computer’s Glare?

Keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable is so important. No one wants to be stuck working on their computer with itchy, dry, or fatigued eyes. No one wants to experience this discomfort while using their personal devices at home, either. By taking the necessary steps to prevent harsh glares, you will be much less likely to suffer from computer vision syndrome. You will be able to protect your eyes and eliminate any frustrating or unpleasant symptoms.

There is no need for an office worker or a regular electronics user at home to feel uncomfortable while using their computer, especially in their personal office. So, protect your eyes and decorate your space all in one by adding a nice set of blinds to cut the harsh glare that is causing all of your discomforts.


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