5 Ways for Stay at Home Moms to Start a Consulting Business

Are you a stay at home mom looking for some extra income to help supplement your husband’s? There are a lot of ways to earn money out there, but if you have particular strengths or knowledge, why not lend your expertise to start a consulting business online? Here are 5 ways for stay at home mom’s to do just that.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is confusing and constantly changing. If you are a pro at social media, have your own successful following, or have a degree in marketing, you may want to consider lending your expertise for other mompreneurs in the form of advising them on how to grow and enhance their social media tactics. Even if someone has been out of the field for only a month or two, a lot can change. This is probably one of the most popular consulting gigs out there that you can do 100% online. This could be straight advising, managing their social media for them, or helping them design graphics and find the right photos.

Web Design

Have a background in web design? Blogging is booming. I feel like everyone I know (except the older generation) has a blog. While there are some cookie cutter themes or designs out there, every successful blog needs their own professional look. Web design is another really popular service right now, new blogs are popping up every day or even every minute!

Diet Coach

Do you have a background in nutrition or have you successfully lost weight and kept it off? So many people, particularly moms, struggle with sticking with the healthy lifestyle and exercise required on top of their day to day living. Someone to coach them and keep them on track is worth paying for, especially for people who have tried and failed at losing the weight or keeping it off long term.

Life Coach

Background in mental health? Or, are you one of those upbeat people that have a lot of positivity to share? Offer your expertise in either counseling (and there are so many options with this: teens, couples, families, adults, specialty mental illnesses) or offer your services as a life coach. Someone with chronic depression or anxiety can benefit from someone keeping them on the “straight and narrow” so to speak.

Virtual Assistant

Have you considered becoming a virtual assistant? Not only can you lend your expertise to another business, you can help them with their day-to-day tasks such as answering emails, updating social media, transcribing, data entry, etc. A lot of these tasks are ones you can do while your kiddos are busy.


These are just 5 ideas for stay at home moms to utilize their expertise and start a consulting business. The options are endless. Take some time and jot down all of your strengths. Analyze them to see where you could offer your experience or education. You could even browse a site like Fiverr for ideas or to get your customer base started! Everyone is good at something! What areas of consulting are you considering?


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