5 Sources of Sustainable Energy

Sustainable energy is an energy that will not only meet the current demands of today’s society while NOT causing more damage to the environment for future generations. Most sources of sustainable energy are very cheap or free to power. In addition, these forms of energy are widely available. Approximately 20% of the world’s energy usage comes from renewable energy. That number will continue to increase throughout the years.

Think about it, the Earth will always produce heat from its core, the sun will provide sunlight, the earth’s rotation will not stop providing ocean tides and winds. These are the five main sources of sustainable energy. 

  1. Geothermal. Geothermal energy uses power stations that use the heat that comes from the earth’s core. Did you know the temperature below the earth is high enough to boil water? Geothermal works better in areas that have a larger seismic activity (volcano heavy areas).
  2. Ocean Energy. Over 70% of the earth is the ocean. This is an enormous source of energy and can actually generate more power than any other sustainable source. It can be utilized by ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), waves, or tidal forces. It’s converted into kinetic energy and used in turbines to create electrical-type energy powered by generators. The major consideration with this source of sustainable energy is that large ocean energy plans could disturb aquatic life and cause an ecological imbalance.
  3. Wind. Wind energy can be utilized in various ways. For example, we can sail ships relying on the direction of the wind. We can harness wind into windmills and power grids to provide it on an energy scale.
  4. Hydropower. Hydropower is actually THE most common form of sustainable energy used around the world.
  5. Solar. Solar energy is an increasingly popular form of energy. You will often see solar panels even installed on residential homes to supplement and reduce the cost of fossil fuels. It can be tapped into on a larger scale for commercial use as well.

Why Fossil Fuels NOT Sustainable Sources of Energy

Fossil fuels are limited resources and are enormous sources of pollution as fossil fuel by releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere. They are also not available everywhere like solar and wind energy is. Fossil fuels include oil, natural gas, and coal. By taking steps now to conserve the usage of fossil fuels, humans will not only slow down the depletion of them but also reduce the very dangerous threat to the environment that will affect future generations. 

Limitations on Sustaining Energy Efficient Resources

Douglas Healy, an expert in energy issues, feels that a few issues need to be taken into account before switching too much capacity to sustainable resources (ie large towns still have a huge demand for resources such as electricity, making it harder to keep up using wind or solar power solely). Texas recently had a major outgate in Dallas by moving over 25% of its energy to sustainable solar and wind energy. There was a wind turbine issue causing problems, which is a prime example of how this needs to be a precise and slower process.

The end goal would be for civilization to move toward using sustainable energy alone, but the process cannot be rushed because it will create more problems than solving them, such as getting resources into rural or energy-deficient areas.

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