5 Deadly Dangers Every Dog Owner Should Know About

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Want to keep your canine companion safe from harm? It could be worth reading up on these five common dangers, some of which can be lethal to dogs. Here’s how you can avoid these hazards and keep your hound happy.




Bloat can be a serious issue and is most common in bigger dogs. It’s often caused by eating too much food too quickly, which causes the stomach to expand unhealthily, causing pressure on other organs and sometimes tearing the wall of the stomach. It can even make breathing difficult and affect blood circulation. A dog that has bloat generally displays symptoms such as drooling heavily, being out of breath or generally acting restless. Many dogs get bloat because they don’t know how to pace themselves when eating. If your canine seems intent on devouring a bowl of food as soon as possible, consider buying a scoff bowl – this makes it harder for the dog to eat so quickly due to the shape of the bowl.




Often referred to as dog parvo, this viral infection can cause fatal organ damage. It’s transmitted from dog to dog, usually through a dog’s stool or saliva. Vaccinations can prevent your dog from getting parvo – this is the most effective means of treatment. For unvaccinated dogs, you’re best limiting contact with other dogs that could be carriers. Puppies that haven’t been vaccinated are often advised by vets to not go on walks or socialise with other dogs for this reason.




Arthritis on its own isn’t deadly, however it’s a major reason for many dogs being put down if it seriously affects mobility. This inflammation of the joints can be caused by various factors, the most common being when a dogs’ legs unnaturally splay out. Activities like jumping onto furniture, going up stairs and running on wooden floors can all increase the risk of arthritis. Try to limit these activities where possible. In the case of wooden floors, you can lay down fur rugs to prevent sliding or buy non-slip socks.


Heart Disease


Heart disease is common in dogs as it is in humans, mostly for the same reasons of an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise. Regularly walking or exercising your dog and keeping to a healthy diet can all help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Dogs under stress can also be more at risk, so simply keeping your dog happy could help.


Chocolate poisoning


Chocolate can be deadly for dogs, particularly dark chocolate. In most cases, a dog will just get sick and display symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea, however in rare cases this can lead to more dangerous complications such as aspiration pneumonia. You can avoid chocolate poisoning by always keeping it out of reach and never feeding it to dogs as a treat. Make sure that your kids know that chocolate is bad for dogs and be careful of storing presents containing chocolate on the floor (Christmas presents containing chocolate left under the tree are a common cause of chocolate poisoning).


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