4 Ways to Make Your Home More Comfortable in 2019

There are beautiful homes, there are ultra-modern homes, and then there are comfortable homes. I prefer a comfortable home. Comfortable homes can also be stylish and beautiful. It just takes a little effort and some new ways of thinking. Choose furniture that is comfortable as well as attractive. Use These 4 ways and more to make a comfortable home.


Comfortable Furniture


Choose comfortable furniture that is also stylish and attractive. Maybe an adult sized bean bag in the living room or family room will help relaxation. One fun piece of furniture can make the room more informal and comfortable. The family members might fight over this choice. Combine the beanbag chair with other seating choices so every family member can choose what they are comfortable sitting on.


Furniture is the first way to add comfort. Choose upholstered furniture for every room possible, even an upholstered headboard for beds. Then, add soft pillows and comforters to sofas, benches, or chairs.


Next Add Accessories


The second way to add comfort to a home is to add a few interesting accessories such as vintage-inspired items or craftsman style details. Find interesting ways to display family photographs or children’s art pieces. Bring in interesting things from nature such as branches, shells, or plants.


The Third Design trick is dressing the windows and Floors


Bare windows can look cold and unfinished. Add blinds and drapes to soften them. The blinds can be closed at night to add privacy and keep out drafts. Closing the drapes adds more warmth. Then when the sun is shining open everything up.


Area rugs add warmth and comfort to cold floors. They also add color, design and texture. Area rugs can also define conversation areas.


The Fourth Way to Bring Comfort


It may seem simple, but the invisible things are sometimes very important. Making the home smell good brings comfort. Cook good smelling things. Have good ventilation so things don’t get stuffy. Use natural or other safe room fresheners. In the summer, open windows for a fresh smell.


Temperature is another aspect of making a home comfortable that can be invisible. Make sure the home is cool in the summer and warm enough in the winter. An attractive fireplace makes any room feel more comfortable in the cold months. There are gas or electric fireplaces that don’t need to be vented. An existing fireplace can be left wood burning or have an insert added for convenience.

Don’t forget the lighting in every room. There should be overhead lighting, task lighting, and mood lighting. There should also be safety lighting in halls, stairways, and storage areas. The lighting should never be harsh, but adequate for the task,

Don’t ignore the walls when trying to make a home more comfortable. Bright, harsh colors or dark colors might be striking but they may not be comfortable to live with. Soft easy to live with colors are a better choice. The ceilings can be a white or a slightly lighter version of the wall color.

Now that the home has been redecorated with comfort in mind, keep it uncluttered and clean. Clutter tends to make people feel crowded and stressed. A nice, neat home that is focused on comfort as well as beauty will be a joy to come home to and to relax in.


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