4 Simple Life Hacks for an Amazing 2021

Let’s face it. We are all glad to say hasta la vista baby to 2020. What a roller coaster year! It was a perfect storm of a global pandemic, economic downturn, and sheltering in place. Granted there have been silver linings. We have all learned quite a bit from a year like no other. However, what we do with those lessons is an important piece. So, why not make 2021 the best year ever. With these four simple life hacks, you can turn this year of countless, unprecedented challenges into a springboard to a better version of yourself. Let’s do it in 2021 with these life hacks.


  1. Get Out and Move

After a year of being cooped up in your flat or home, you probably don’t need the encouragement. However, if it is colder outside, sometimes you need a little extra push. Movement is great for the body. Even a brisk walk around your neighborhood gives you added benefits throughout the day. Walking burns calories while you are doing it, but also it boosts your metabolism for the rest of the day. Movement is a great stress reliever too. Regardless of whatever mode of movement you choose, whether walking, hiking, biking, or other, please remember to stretch. Your muscles are only as good as their flexibility. Stretch for at least ten seconds per muscle to get the best results. 


  1. Make Healthy Food and Drink Choices

Now is as good a time as any to start making healthy choices about your activity level as well as food and drink selections. From the moment you wake up in the morning, you have a choice to have a latte with heavy cream and lots of sugar or opt for green tea with honey and lemon. Even if you can’t sacrifice your sugary drinks or treats, you can supplement by making healthy decisions elsewhere. First, opt for organic, locally sourced fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Secondly, try to cut out on the greasy, snack foods such as French fries, potato chips, and donuts. Give nuts and olives with healthy fats in them a try!


  1. Set Up a Routine

By having a routine, you can fit in all of the to-dos as well as the fun things in life. If you utilize good time management skills, you can both work and play. In fact, let 2021 be your year to work hard, but also play hard. Try setting your alarm a bit earlier. Opt for making your lunches on Sunday night. Perhaps you can try to walk or bike to work or to the store to get your movement in as well as errands accomplished. 


  1. Get a Pet or Spend Time Around Animals

Animals are mood boosters. There is a reason why restaurants, offices, and even the airlines are allowing pets to accompany owners as emotional support. Not all of us have a home that allows pets or has room. So, you can think outside of the box a bit on this life hack. If your home doesn’t allow dogs or cats, perhaps a small fish tank is the answer. Just the routine of feeding the fish will help you with the previous life hack. For starters, a great fish that brings color to your tank is the tiger endler. Also, a popular favorite to pair with a tiger endler is a Cory Catfish. Now, if you can’t do a fish tank nor a house animal, why not spend time around animals? You can get the same benefits by volunteering to walk your older neighbors’ dogs or cat-sitting while your neighbor or friend is away or at work.


image: https://pixabay.com/photos/new-year-2021-moon-new-year-s-eve-5678207/ 

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