4 Signs To Look Out For That Could Spell Trouble For Your Home


Our homes are our safe havens, but are they as safe as we make out? There are dangers in every home that can cause serious issues – and some that we can’t even see. However, there are several signs that you can look out for that can nip those problems in the bud. Make sure you move quickly to address them, and you will have a chance to limit the damage caused to your health and your home. We’re going to have a look at those now.

 4 Signs To Look Out For That Could Spell Trouble For Your Home

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You feel nauseous and dizzy


Of course, we all feel ill from time to time, but if it happens regularly, then I would advise checking for a gas leak. Carbon monoxide gas is odorless and invisible, but it can be a silent killer in some cases. If you haven’t already, go to a doctor and then make sure that you have a carbon monoxide alarm installed in your home. And, if you are suffering from the symptoms – which also include stomach pain, tiredness, and breathing difficulties – call out a professional. Cookers, central heating systems, and heaters are all very complex devices, and if something goes wrong, they can start to leak. The quicker you get it fixed, the safer your home will become.


You develop breathing problems


If you develop breathing problems, it could be down to your home lacking effective ventilation. Mold spores, pollen and bacteria in dust can all affect the human breathing system – particularly those of a vulnerable age. Sufferers may also experience dizziness, eye irritation, hearing loss and even nose bleeds. It is essential, then, that you ensure your home is as well ventilated as possible. Make sure you have a draft throughout your house so that air can travel in and out, and also keep on top of your air conditioning maintenance.


You find cracks in your wall


Most homes have a few cracks in their walls, but if they are thick enough to put a dollar coin through, then make sure you act quickly. It could be a sign that your home is beginning to break up and that there are problems with your foundations. It sounds serious – and it is – but if you catch it quick enough you will be able to get it fixed. Take a look over at the Helitech foundation repair website to find out how they do it. It will be a big job, for sure, but when the alternative is seeing your home disappear in a pile of rubble, it’s worth moving out for a few weeks to get things in order.


You have mold


Mold is a sure sign that you have damp, and that could be bad news for your home and your health. Even the smallest leak can build up over time and have a serious effect on the structure of your home. In rare cases, it could weaken walls and joists, and it will almost certainly rot wooden beams if left unattended. In terms of health, it can cause breathing problems in the young, elderly and anyone with an asthmatic condition. As soon as you spot any sign of damp in your home, it’s essential to get a professional in to have a look. A plumber should be your first port of call, and if there is any structural damage, then you may need a building service to come and take a look.


With any luck, you will never experience any of these issues. However, if the worst happens, at least you will know the signs now. See you soon!

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