4 Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Tips

Once you’ve become aware of the damage we’ve done to the environment and the potential health risks of doing things ‘the old way,’ you can no longer turn your back on green alternatives.  Even at the level of cleaning your home, there are a variety of green solutions that can help you to do your part and keep your house free of potentially dangerous toxic residues.  Traditional cleaning supplies use a variety of dangerous chemicals that can cause a variety of serious health risks.  For many years it has been common practice to clean your body, wash dishes and utensils, and even the clothes we wear in harmful chemicals.  Perhaps now would be a good time to take a closer look at the potentially hazardous cleaning products we live with every day and see if there might be a better option.  Thankfully, there is a better option for just about every type of cleaning product on the market.  Here are a few ways you can get started with right away to make your home a healthier place for yourself and your children.

1. Put Dangerous Chemicals in a Locked Cabinet

It’s highly likely that if you were to go your kitchen and look under the sink you would find a variety of extremely dangerous cleaning products.  It’s a strange custom for us to keep such a collection of potentially lethal chemicals in such an easily accessible location.  The smallest residue from these products getting loose can have serious consequences.  The last think you want to imagine is a child making their way into the cabinet out of curiosity.  Perhaps, now would be a good time to do something about the death trap under the sink.  First and foremost, put on a pair of rubber gloves and carefully go through the different bottles and cans, looking for anything with danger, caution, poison, etc.  Products that you do not need should not be stored indefinitely.  Get more information on hazardous waste and how to dispose of it in your area.  The remaining containers should be moved to a safe location where they can be locked away.

2. Using Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Now that you’ve made your home safer by removing the dangerous products, determine what types of cleaners you need in the house and purchase the safe alternatives.  There are a large variety of non-toxic cleaning options, giving you room to get the cleaning done without putting the family at risk.  Keep in mind that a lot of safe cleansers can already be found at home in the form of white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, lemon, baking soda, and so on.

3. Recycle Household Items

Instead of using disposable items for cleaning such as sponges and paper towels, you can easily turn old shirts into rags.  Get creative and when it comes time to clean, you may be surprised at what you can use in lieu of store bought cleaning items.  This will both save you money and help protect the environment.  For example, using an old shirt instead of paper towels reduces the need for paper which in turn reduces the need for chopping down trees.  Also, you may not even be aware of it but a lot of sponges and mops use anti-bacterial ingredients that can be harmful.  Recycling can benefit the environment and your family.

4. Hire an Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service

Another great way to ensure that you have a clean and non-toxic home is to hire a service like Naked Clean. This green cleaning service in San Diego is a good example of the kinds of businesses you want to keep a look out for. Learning the basics of environmentally friendly cleaning is good for any conscientious adult, bringing in experienced professionals can both save you time and make sure that the eco-friendly cleaning is done right.  It’s true that hiring a cleaning service costs a little bit of extra money but, if you can afford it, with weekly or bi-weekly cleaning appointments your house will always be sparkling with cleanliness, giving you extra time to focus on things that are most important.


  1. I stared making my own eco cleaning products for about 2 years now, and my allergies are almost gone!
    Thanks for the tips!

  2. These are great tips, thanks for sharing! I am pinning! Stopping by from #SITSBlogging.

  3. awesome tips! I need this for spring cleaning!


  1. […] 4 Eco Friendly Cleaning Products by Desperate Houselife […]

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