3 Tricks To Creating The Illusion Of Height

We all come in different shapes and sizes. Every figure type represents unique advantages and challenges when dressing. To dress well, you need to understand your figure and purchase items that flatter your figure.

The majority of clothing on the racks in stores, is designed for women of average height. Typically this means that most retailers cater to women 160-170cm, or 5’5”-5’7” in height. If you are shorter than that, you may have trouble when it comes to fit. For example, sleeves and hems might be too long, and seams might sit in the wrong places.

A good tailor can often help rectify some of the problems, but this isn’t a substitute for clothes which aren’t made to suit you in the first place. Made to measure clothing is a good option, but can prove expensive. Thankfully many popular fashion lines have introduced petite ranges at reasonable price points.

Banana Republic offers many of their regular pieces in petite sizes. This means you can wear all the latest fashions without dealing with major fit issues. Another store that sells the latest styles in a specially designed petites line is LOFT.

There are three simple tricks you can use to create the illusion of height.

Stick To One Color For Its Lengthening Abilities

One of the easiest ways to look your tallest is to stick to wearing the same color attire and accessories. So if you are wearing a pink top, look for a pink bottom in a similar tone and pink shoes. When we wear different colors, people view us in parts. However, if we wear just one color from top to toe, it creates a more streamlined appearance. If you are concerned about looking too matchy-matchy, try playing around with different finishes or materials. For example, try a textured angora sweater with a silk skirt. This is a much more modern and interesting way to wear just one color at a time, especially if you want to stick to a neutral like black or beige.

Image via lovemeagan.

Keep Things In Proportion Including Your Accessories

When choosing prints and accessories it is a good idea to consider what best suits you proportion wise. Women with small frames benefit from sticking to small prints. Always try to choose prints that are smaller than the palm of your hand and if possible much smaller. Florals that are the size of your thumb, or smaller, are a good choice, or you could try small polka dots. When it comes to choosing jewelry and belts also think small. Skinny belts and fine jewelry are perfect. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Petite women can typically wear oversized bags and sunglasses quite successfully.

Look Tall With Items That Brush The Floor

If you want to look as tall as possible, another simple dressing trick is to choose clothes that brush the floor. This will help to make your legs look longer. Many short celebrities wear floor-length dresses. Try wide leg pants, maxi dresses and skirts. Ideally, you should be wearing a floor skimming design with a pair of high heeled shoes underneath. As the heel is mostly hidden you could effectively add a couple of inches to how tall you appear. This effect can take many women from short to average height. If you find it hard to walk in heels, try wedge and platform styles. Wedges and platforms offer much more stability than tiny stiletto heels.

By combining these three tips with clothes that are made for your height, you will achieve a great overall look. Remember to choose styles that just skim your body rather than anything oversized and choose pieces that suit your other figure traits. For example, if you are a pear shaped petite woman choose fitted tops and bottoms that skim over your thighs and butt.

Kimberley Heit is a staff writer for BluePromoCode.


  1. Would love for you to share this at my link up where we pin all those who join to our party board http://myfashionforwardblog.com/all-things-pretty-11

  2. As a vertically challenged chick, I really appreciate these tips.Great post! Looking forward to reading more of your posts πŸ™‚
    Erin aka Momasaurus

  3. Great tips! I am short and have always felt like more delicate jewelry and belts have looked best on me, but I’d never heard the tip about prints being smaller than the palm of your hand. That is so helpful! Thanks so much.

  4. These are great tips! Thanks so much!!

  5. Just saw this on Fantastic Thursday – thanks for sharing! I’m a whopping 5’3″ myself, so I can definitely use these strategies to look taller!

  6. Michele says:
  7. Have you linked up with the Friday Flash Blog Linky Party yet? Link up your ONE best post of the week and check out other people’s awesome entries. You may just get highlighted next week!

    Jennifer @ The Jenny Evolution

  8. I LOVE BR & The Loft. Great tips for us shorties, thanks! Stopping by from What I Whipped Up Wed. πŸ˜‰

  9. Great tips! I’m 5’4″, and always looking for ways to appear a little taller, my favorite is #3. Found you through the What I Wore Wednesday hop!

  10. Very useful for those petite women out there. Thanks for linking up.

  11. Hey there! Thanks for linking up your great post. Stop by again next week and link up another awesome project!

    Have a wonderful week!


  1. […] 3 Tricks to Creating the Illusion of Height by Desperate […]

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