3 Free Nonfiction eBooks – Christmas, Blogging and Organizing

Book Description

Publication Date: August 11, 2013
The Art OF Minimalist Organization-

The Minimalist Way To Organize, Clean, And Keep Your Home Spotless

*Over 2000 copies downloaded! Join The Crowd and download now!

A new revolution is currently taking place, one that looks set to change how we view ourselves and the objects around us.  This new, groundbreaking revolution is the practice of minimalism.  Cleaning and organizing your house can be an overwhelming task due to excess clutter.  This is especially true if you are not practicing minimalism.  .  This book looks to  help you clean your home and teach you about minimalist organization in the process.

This Book Will Cover:

  • minimalist organizational techniques
  • The benefits of the minimalist mindset
  • Habits of highly effective minimalists
  • How minimalism can help you keep your home organized and clean
  • Much, much, more!

This book contains numerous tips, techniques, and strategies to help you clean your home and keep it that way once and for all.  We will be going through each room of your home and supplying you with tried and tested minimalist organizational methods.  All these techniques are broken down into an easy to read format with helpful tips along the way.  So download now and learn how to organize like a true minimalist.

Book Description

Publication Date: November 12, 2013
**** Thanks to all the readers who helped make this book the #1 Bestseller on Amazon in the Blogging category ****
Bob Lotich founded ChristianPF.com back in 2007 and after getting laid off in 2008 he took the leap into full-time blogging. Less than a year later he was earning more from his blog than his previous day-job.
While his results are not typical, this book covers all the steps he took to make money from his blog over that two-year period.
Who this book is written for: 
  • Those who want to get started blogging
  • Those who are already blogging but aren’t making as much money as they’d like to.
Who this book is NOT written for:
  • People looking for a get-rich-quick system that requires little effort.
  • Experienced bloggers making over $1000/m (though the book will still probably be helpful, it isn’t written to this audience)
Some of the topics covered in the book:

  • 4 Steps to Start Blogging in 10 minutes
  • Blogging Basics
  • How to setup a Self-Hosted Blog
  • The importance of a Customizable WordPress theme
  • 3 primary ways to earn from your blog
  • How long does it take to make money from your blog?
  • How to get traffic to your blog
  • SEO Tips for bloggers
  • How I increased Adsense earnings $1500/m in less than 3 months
  • 10 helpful tools that made it all possible

Book Description

Publication Date: November 16, 2013
Creating a stress-less holiday season doesn’t require dreaming smaller, just better planning.

Christmas is such an exciting time, filled with grand intentions, joy and goodwill and a vision for the perfect holiday season. It’s also loaded with the inevitable stress triggers … too many commitmentstoo much shopping and preparation to do, end of year work responsibilitiescrowded stores and family gatherings.

The problem is our perfect plans too often hit stumbling blocks … someone gets hung up at work, some of our favorite ornaments are broken or the Christmas tree lights are hopelessly tangled. We run out of money long before we get to the end of the gift list, or the turkey comes out dry when we have a house full of hungry guests. We never seem to find time to bake those holiday cookies we were going to share with the neighbors, there’s a part missing from the new toy, or the kids can’t stop bickering.

Planning isn’t about creating one more thing for you to do, it’s about freeing you to experience the true joy of the season.

The good news is that a lot of holiday related stress can be reduced, if not eliminated entirely if we would recognize ahead of time what our vulnerabilities are, and plan accordingly.

Christmas by Design is packed with tips, strategies and inspiration to help you create a less stressful, more fulfilling holiday season. Ultimately, it’s about creating more memories … learning to focus on the things that really matter, and letting the rest go.

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