3 Final Checks Before You List Your Home For Sale

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In most cases, the decision to sell a home is swiftly followed by a period of intense activity. Most of us know that our homes will need a quick once-over prior to being listed for sale; a few licks of paint, a couple of fixes to minute wall cracks, and a tidy-up of the garden – so, rather oddly, a house tends to look at its best right at the point where we’re planning to leave it.


Nevertheless, the decision to spruce up your home before listing it for sale is undoubtedly a beneficial one:  a well-presented house is more likely to sell quickly, and at the best possible price, so it’s well worth taking the time to give your property a once-over. However, there are a few areas that many homeowners tend to overlook – and these areas are surprisingly prominent, and influential on potential buyers. So before you head to the likes of William Pitt to list your home for sale, it’s well worth considering – and improving if necessary – the following areas in an effort to ensure you have all your bases covered…


Light switches and sockets


When decorating, light switches and sockets are something of a pain: you have to carefully tape them up if using wall paint, or cut precisely the right measurements in your wallpaper in order to account for the switch or socket. This means that there’s every chance the sockets and switches will not have completely neat, straight-line finishes; perhaps the wallpaper is a little jagged, or there’s paint pooling against the socket surround. This may sound like an incredibly small concern, but it genuinely does influence the overall finish of every room in your home, so it’s well worth making improvements if you find any issues.


Space between paving slabs or bricks


It’s worth checking the paving slabs, or bricks, at the front and rear of your property, keeping an eye out for spaces between the material. As a general rule, space between slabs or bricks isn’t a good thing: it’s a space where weeds can grow, and can even be difficult to walk on in certain types of footwear. If there are gaps between bricks and slabs on your property, fill these with sand or decorative stones – it really does make a difference to the overall look of your home’s exterior!


Ceilings and corners


For the most part, when living in a property, few people spend much time actually looking at the ceilings and corners – instead, we focus on the room itself. This is entirely understandable, but less than ideal when trying to prepare a property to sell. It’s worth grabbing a stepladder and repairing any minor cracks in the ceilings and then, if necessary, repainting. It’s also important to use an extension for your vacuum and ensure you’ve removed any spider webs or debris that may have accumulated in the highest corners.


In conclusion


By focusing on the areas discussed above, and making improvements if necessary, you can be confident that your home is ready for sale – good luck!

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