Archives for August 2018

A Green House: Helping The Environment In Your Home

Pexels   Do you think you are doing enough to save the planet? We are doing our little bit, whether we are being forced to recycle, or it is part of who we are, but, surprisingly, there are some simple parts of the home that we can harness to ensure that we are doing that […]

Small But Mighty: Ensuring Your Ensuite Is Bathroom Goals

If you have an en-suite attached to your bedroom; you probably utilize it on a regular basis. However, many en-suite bathrooms are seen as purely functional areas of a home, and often, people pay little attention the interior design or style of the room. Smaller spaces in a house or apartment, can often feel neglected, […]

What Are Selvages?

Basket stitch (Photo credit: Wikipedia) You may see patterns that talk about selvage stitches (sometimes spelled “selvedge”) and wonder what they could be referring to. All fabric has selvages; they are simply the left and right edges of the piece, or the first and last stitch of each row.   Some patterns specify to work […]

Breaking Up is Hard to Do, But Sometimes It’s The Only Way

For several years you have tried to deny the difficult patch that your marriage is going through. Things are rocky to say the least and you are very close to breaking point. It is true that your family mean the world to you and you have tried to keep them together for as long as […]