Archives for March 2006

This and That

I am not doing anything in particular atm. I still have to get to the craft store to get more cotton to match that bag so I can finish it. I have a ton of bags, so I will probably save it for a gift. That is my first crochet with bead project, and I […]

Beaded bag in the making

I started making a beaded bag. I think I am not going to have enough yarn to finish it though. Guess I have an excuse to go to the yarn store grin. I got a book on crochet with beads for Christmas, and I decided to make a project because I think it’s so cute. […]

Scarf is finished and not so pretty

I finished the scarf, but I guess I did not have as much yarn as I thought, so it is a very short scarf. It was leftover yarn from a blanket I made. I went to the craft store, and got the last skein of yarn I need to finish my capelet, so I am […]

Dabbling in Knitting

I am almost done with my scarf. It was made with leftover yarn, so it is not going to be very long. That’s ok, because it’s not the prettiest thing in the world, being my second knitting project. The first one I made was a dishcloth, which is a good first project because no matter […]