2 Treatments To Consider In 2020



In today’s blog, we are going to discuss two treatments to consider in 2020…


Dermal Fillers – Eyebrow lift

If you are looking for a subtle re-shaping of the eyebrow without undergoing surgery, an eyebrow lift using dermal fillers is ideal. This small, safe, and effective treatment can take years off your appearance. If your brows or eyelids droop, you will be amazed by the results of this treatment.


What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers can be made of various materials, either synthetic or naturally derived, and the material is injected into the skin in order to plump the area so that the fold or wrinkle is gone. In the case of an eyebrow lift, the area will be plumped to naturally lift the eyebrow to create a more youthful appearance. 


The procedure and recovery phase

The procedure itself does not take very long at all – approximately one hour. The specialist will ensure you do not feel anything by applying numbing cream beforehand. Once they have finished injecting the dermal fillers, you can expect the recovery phase to last for anything from two to four hours. You then need to follow the aftercare program for the following 24 hours. There are very few risks associated with this treatment, although there are some individuals that suffer redness, swelling, and bruising. You can expect the results of dermal fillers to last for around nine to 12 months. After this period, you will need to book another appointment for new fillers. If you do not do this, your brows will start to droop again. 


Botox – Dimpled Chin

Do you have a dimpled chin? This is something a lot of people suffer from. When they move their chin it has a golf ball-like appearance. This can easily be treated with a small amount of Botox, which will smooth out the dimples, and the good news is that it will only take about half an hour for the treatment. You can watch videos about Botox to get a better understanding.


How does a dimpled chin occur?

A dimpled chin occurs as a result of excessive flexing of the chin muscles. It is not something you can have much control over, as the chin simply gets wrinkled from movement, thus when you are eating, smiling, or talking. The muscles beneath the skin contract, and when they do they pull their fibrous connections to the overlying skin inwards, and this creates the illusion of dimpling. This can also be known as a dimpled golf ball chin, cobblestone chin, or orange peel chin. 


How does Botox treat a dimpled chin?

Botox injections stop muscles from contracting through stopping the receipt of nerve impulses to the muscle. When it comes to a dimpled chin, Botox injections will be carefully and accurately placed around the area, which will cause the mentalis muscle (the main muscle in the chin) to relax. This, in turn, makes the dimples less apparent.


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