10 Enlightening Ways to Combat Your Loneliness Right Now

You often look around at the people you’re surrounded by and feel disconnected from them. It doesn’t matter how busy your schedule is, how big your family is or how many friends you have on Facebook, feelings of loneliness can start to creep in at any given moment. This makes you feel isolated, misunderstood and saddened, because you want to create good connections with people around you. These feelings and emotions can be triggered by a number of different things in your life, whether you’re unhappy in your relationship or struggling to maintain friendships. At some point in your life you may start to relate to these feelings of loneliness and you will want to find a way out as soon as possible. Although it may seem like an impossible task, there are a number of enlightening ways to combat your loneliness. They aren’t quick or effortless fixes; they will require hard work, dedication and determination. Work your way through the examples given below and find the ones that resonate with you the most. What works for you might not work for other people in your life, so take each idea at your own pace. Hopefully, this will give you some actionable steps to make a huge difference to your loneliness right now.


1.Get a Pet


If you are craving attention and company, you’re definitely not alone right now. So many people feel alone in their empty homes and why wouldn’t you? Getting a pet is a surefire way to combat these feelings of loneliness and give you a lifelong companion. Take a look at this website for some major puppy inspiration. Not only will a furry friend always be there when you need them, but they will remain fiercely loyal no matter what. This is definitely the first step you can make when it comes to combating loneliness especially when you live by yourself.


  1. Find a New Hobby


At the moment, you may be struggling to find connections with people because you aren’t doing anything in your spare time. If your weekends usually consist of a Netflix binge and a Chinese takeout, then you’re probably not going to find joy in this way. There is nothing wrong with spending time alone, but you need to learn to balance this. Finding a hobby that you absolutely love can definitely ease your feelings of loneliness; it will encourage you to spend time with other people and make new friends along the way. Even if you don’t become best friends for life with these people, the regular interaction will work wonders.


  1. Make More Effort With Colleagues


Going to work every day is a huge part of your lifestyle; if you don’t get on with the people you work with then your mood is going to be severely affected. Use this as motivation to make more effort with your colleagues. Whether you hang out with them at lunchtime or go to their birthday party for once, there are so many ways to make daily connections with people to reduce your feelings of isolation.


  1. Rekindle Your Friendships


In the past you might have lost touch with friends who you’re close to. Although this might seem difficult to repair, it can’t hurt to try. Reach out to at least one friend who you used to have a strong connection with. You never know how they might return the favour; you could rekindle something really special. 


  1. Assess Your Relationship


Even if you think you’re with the love of your life right now, there is a chance that your current relationship is making you feel lonely. If they stop you from seeing your friends or hanging out with work colleagues, this is a red flag. For many people, being single is one of the best ways to combat their feelings of isolation from the world.


  1. Spend Time With Family


If you haven’t spent time with your family in a while, then now is the perfect time to reach out to those you love. A quick phone call or an unexpected visit for a cup of coffee are both surefire ways to improve your relationships right off the bat. They might be feeling the same type of loneliness too, so this could really help them.


  1. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone


You may have heard this type of saying before, but if you act like you’ve always acted you will never experience any improvement in your life. Stepping out of your comfort zone might just be the golden ticket you have always needed when it comes to combating loneliness. Whether you strike up a conversation with a total stranger, join a club or even start a business that you feel passionate about, these are all wonderfully enlightening ways to step out of your comfort zone. By taking this sort of action, you are showing the universe that you are ready to make connections with people.


  1. Start Networking


Networking doesn’t have to be as salesly or as cheesy as it sounds; it doesn’t even have to be related to your job at all. Networking is all about hanging out with like minded people who have similar goals and aspirations to you. Whether you meet up at a local group or get chatting to a stranger in your favourite coffee house, this sort of connection building will help you to combat loneliness in no time.


  1. Write Down Your Goals


When you have clear and actionable goals to stick to regarding your career, friendships and general life, you will feel much more motivated to get out there and achieve them. Writing down your goals might not seem that effective when it comes to overcoming loneliness, but this sort of action will definitely change the game for you.


  1. Be Kind To Yourself


If you do find yourself alone a lot, you need to learn to be kinder to yourself. Some of the words you say to yourself in your head would never be spoken to other people out loud, so why continue to adopt this mindset? There are so many ways in which you can be kind to yourself every single day. When you are your own best friend it becomes a lot easier to spend time on your own. Loving yourself is so important, so make a conscious effort to do this every single day.


With these ideas in place you won’t have to suffer from loneliness ever again in your life. Although it may seem daunting and scary to have to talk to people you might not know very well, there are so many ways to mitigate these feelings of overwhelm. Take a moment each day to work through the ideas above that are relatable to you. Although the answers might not come to you right away, you will discover your own methods of working through your feelings as time goes by. The most important thing to remember during all of this, is that you’re definitely not alone. There are so many supportive and kind people out there that are willing to reach out and talk to you; some of these people you may not even know about yet. Start exploring those hidden gems in your life and uncover new friendships and relationships as you learn to love yourself. Loneliness and isolation often stem from your own insecurities, so it’s time to grow in confidence, step outside of your comfort zone and remove those feelings from your life for good.

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

Image from Pexels – CC0 Licence

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